Day Two of Mercury Retrograde Thriving

“ As long as you live, keep learning how to live “  ~ Latin Proverb ~ Many of my friends consider themselves to be “life long learner”.  We often wonder how much do we need to know, in order to know we know enough. At what point do we say enough is enough?  It isContinue reading “Day Two of Mercury Retrograde Thriving”

Day One Mercury Retrograde

“ A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle ”  ~ Italian Proverb ~ When we open ourselves to the art of sharing, miraculous energies create pathways to wholeness. What was once singular becomes bountiful. What was once broken can become whole.  In our everyday lives we sometimes forget the lessons we learned in Kindergarten,Continue reading “Day One Mercury Retrograde”

Welcome to Mercury Retrograde

Thank you for visiting us. My goal is to support people in living an amazing life during a period in which life is turned upside down, Mercury Retrograde ! The next one  starts March 30, 2011 in at 4:48 pmest and runs until April 23, 2011 at 9:13 am est. Each day you will find interesting tips, inspirational quotes, and videos

Mercury Retrograde On The Way !

Retrograde is a term used when a planet gives the illusion it is moving backward.  Although it appears to be an illusion, the effects of this phenomenon show up in our daily lives.  Because Mercury rules Time, Communication, Travel, and Business, when it appears to go backward, so do these areas of our existence MercuryContinue reading “Mercury Retrograde On The Way !”