Enjoy Wishing on the Stars This Weekend

The Perseid-meteor-shower will speckle the night sky tonight, combining to 20-25 visible meteors per hour.  This is a great time to make some wishes, manifest your destiny, and enjoy the end of summer! The Perseid-meteor-shower is a great time to set some intentions and new targets. I light white candles in the evening. Get someContinue reading “Enjoy Wishing on the Stars This Weekend”

What Happens After Mercury Retrograde

    Mercury Retrograde has ended and the New Moon as well. This combination of Mercury Retrograde and the New Moon energy was emotional. This best part was setting some new intentions which were definitely needed. There are still four other planets that are still in  Retrograde which may be affecting you as well.  HereContinue reading “What Happens After Mercury Retrograde”