What Happens After Mercury Retrograde Ends June 2, 2022

Mercury Retrograde is has ended and the instability that came with it as well. This combination of Mercury Retrograde and the other planets that were in retrograde energy was emotional for many of your friends and family. This best part was clearing out old energy, getting things completed and setting some new intentions which wereContinue reading “What Happens After Mercury Retrograde Ends June 2, 2022”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2022 Day Nineteen

There is a concept called “Creative Destructionism”,  which is a way to describe the radical transformation that accompanies human progress. To borrow an example from nature, fire is needed to generate new growth Creative destruction occurs when something new, kills something older. A great example of this is personal computers. The industry, led by MicrosoftContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2022 Day Nineteen”