The Celestial Dance of Ceres Retrograde

As we stand on the cusp of a significant celestial event, I find it imperative to share insights into the profound energies that will be influencing our lives in the coming period. On May 14, Ceres – the largest asteroid in the asteroid belt – embarks on its retrograde journey through the sign of Capricorn. In the realm of astrology, Ceres holds a place of honor as one of the four major asteroids, serving as a symbol of the nurturing forces of nature, the divine feminine, and the essence of womanhood itself.

Ceres’ retrograde motion invites us to delve deep into our connections with the natural world, urging us to reflect on the cycles that govern life itself. This period is a call to honor our intrinsic nurturing abilities, to embrace the feminine energy that resides within us all, regardless of gender, and to acknowledge the powerful role of womanhood in our personal and collective narratives.

In Capricorn, a sign known for its discipline, structure, and ambition, Ceres’ influence may manifest as a reevaluation of our responsibilities towards the Earth and each other. It challenges us to consider how we can provide care and support in ways that are sustainable and respectful of natural limits. This retrograde period is an opportunity to reassess our goals and the methods we employ to achieve them, ensuring they are in harmony with the greater cycles of life.

As we navigate this time, let us be mindful of the lessons Ceres offers. Let us cultivate a deeper appreciation for the natural world, foster connections that nurture and sustain, and embrace the cycles of growth and renewal that are essential to our existence.

In this moment of celestial reflection, may we all find the wisdom to align our actions with the nurturing spirit of Ceres, fostering a world that honors the sacred balance of life.

With celestial guidance,
Janet Woods, M.S.D.

Bidding Farewell to Mercury Retrograde: Embracing the Next 7 Days with Positivity and Purpose

As we wave goodbye to the often-tumultuous phase of Mercury Retrograde, it’s time to welcome a period of clarity, reflection, and forward movement. Mercury Retrograde, known for its association with communication mishaps, technological snafus, and introspective moments, has finally concluded, leaving us with valuable lessons and insights to carry forward.

In the next 7 days, let’s embrace this newfound clarity and channel our energies into positive, constructive actions. Here are some steps to make the most of this period:

1. **Reflect on the Lessons Learned**: Take some time to reflect on the challenges and obstacles you faced during Mercury Retrograde. What lessons can you take from these experiences? How can you apply these insights to improve your communication, relationships, and decision-making processes?

2. **Revisit and Revise Plans**: With Mercury moving forward, it’s an excellent time to revisit plans and projects that may have been put on hold. Review your goals and objectives, making necessary adjustments based on the insights gained during the retrograde period.

3. **Reconnect and Communicate**: If you experienced misunderstandings or communication breakdowns, now is the time to clear the air. Reach out to friends, family, and colleagues to mend fences and strengthen your connections.

4. **Embrace New Beginnings**: Mercury Retrograde often prompts us to pause and reconsider our paths. With its conclusion, feel empowered to embark on new projects, relationships, or personal growth endeavors with a clear mind and heart.

5. **Practice Gratitude and Mindfulness**: Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the lessons learned and the progress made. Practice mindfulness to stay present and grounded, appreciating each moment as a step forward on your journey.

6. **Set Intentions for the Coming Months**: Use this time to set clear, positive intentions for the coming months. What do you wish to achieve? How do you want to grow? Visualize your goals and commit to taking actionable steps towards them.

7. **Celebrate Your Resilience**: Finally, take a moment to celebrate yourself and your resilience. Navigating Mercury Retrograde is no small feat, and you’ve emerged stronger and wiser.

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As we bid farewell to Mercury Retrograde, let’s look ahead with optimism and purpose, ready to embrace the opportunities and adventures that lie before us. Here’s to a period of growth, connection, and positive transformation!

Last Two Days of Mercury Retrograde 2024


Love is the Goal, Life is the Journey, Navigating Our Path with Heart

In the grand tapestry of existence, where each thread intertwines with countless others, forming the intricate patterns of our lives, it becomes evident that love is not merely a destination but the very essence of the journey itself. This realization invites us to explore the profound notion that love is the ultimate goal, and life, in all its complexity and beauty, is the journey we embark upon to discover and embody this truth.

The journey of life is replete with challenges, triumphs, heartaches, and joys. It is a journey that takes us through the highs of mountain peaks and the lows of valley floors. Yet, at the heart of this odyssey lies the pursuit of love—a force so powerful it transcends the boundaries of the physical world, shaping our actions, guiding our decisions, and giving meaning to our existence.

Love, in its purest form, is an unconditional commitment to the well-being of others and ourselves. It is the light that illuminates our path during the darkest nights and the anchor that holds us steady amidst the stormiest seas. Love is the compass that directs us toward acts of kindness, compassion, and understanding, urging us to see beyond the superficial differences that divide us and recognize the inherent unity that binds us.

As we navigate the journey of life, we encounter various signposts that remind us of love’s paramount importance. These signposts come in the form of relationships—be they familial, romantic, platonic, or self-reflective. Each relationship serves as a mirror, reflecting back to us the lessons we need to learn about love, forgiveness, acceptance, and growth. Through these interactions, we are offered opportunities to deepen our capacity for love, to heal old wounds, and to forge stronger connections with those around us.



Moreover, the journey of life invites us to engage in acts of love that extend beyond our immediate circles. It calls us to contribute to the greater good, to offer our talents, time, and resources in service to humanity, and to protect and preserve the natural world that sustains us. In doing so, we participate in a larger narrative of love, one that encompasses all beings and fosters a sense of interconnectedness and mutual respect.

In recognizing that love is the goal, we also acknowledge that the journey is not always easy. There will be moments of doubt, fear, and loneliness. Yet, it is precisely in these moments that the true power of love reveals itself—offering us strength, hope, and the courage to continue forward. Love becomes both the journey and the destination, a never-ending cycle of becoming and unbecoming, of seeking and finding, of losing and rediscovering.

As we embark on this journey, let us hold love as our guiding principle, allowing it to shape our actions, influence our choices, and lead us toward a life of purpose and fulfillment. Let us remember that while the paths we take may differ, the goal remains the same: to live a life anchored in love, for in the end, love is not just the goal; it is the very essence of the journey itself.

In conclusion, as we traverse the winding roads of life, let us do so with hearts wide open, embracing the journey with all its imperfections and beauty, knowing that in the pursuit of love, we find the deepest meaning and the greatest joy. Love is the goal, life is the journey, and together, they weave the beautiful tapestry of our existence. As the cosmic energies align once again, we find ourselves at a pivotal juncture in the celestial calendar.

Empowered Success Full Moon April 2024

“Embracing the enchanting glow of the April Full Moon. 🌕 Let its radiance illuminate your path and bring clarity to your journey. Wishing you a night filled with magic and wonder!!

“🌕 Full Moon Ritual for Manifestation 🌕

Step 1: Find a quiet outdoor space or create a cozy corner indoors where you can connect with the moon’s energy.

Step 2: Begin with deep breaths, grounding yourself in the present moment. Visualize the moon’s gentle light surrounding you.

Step 3: Write down your intentions and desires for the coming month on a piece of paper. Be specific and positive.

Step 4: Light a candle to symbolize the energy you’re bringing into your life. As it flickers, imagine your intentions taking shape.

Step 5: Hold a crystal (such as clear quartz or amethyst) in your hands. Feel its energy and charge it with your intentions.

Step 6: Speak your intentions out loud, addressing the moon. Express gratitude for what you have and excitement for what is to come.

Step 7: Burn the piece of paper with your written intentions, releasing them to the universe. As it burns, visualize your goals coming to fruition.

Step 8: Take a moment to bask in the moonlight, absorbing its positive energy. Feel a sense of renewal and empowerment.

Step 9: Close the ritual with gratitude. Thank the moon for its guidance and trust that your intentions are set in motion.

Step 10: Carry the charged crystal with you or place it in a sacred space as a reminder of your manifested intentions.

May the power of the Full Moon illuminate your path and bring abundance into your life. 🌕✨ #FullMoonRitual #ManifestationMagic #MoonlightMagic”

#FullMoon #JanuaryMagic #CelestialBeauty”

Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024: Day Twenty One

Life is about exploration. The more you do, the larger your life! The courage to move into uncharted territory is exhilarating on many levels. To take a path without knowing where it goes is how adventures begin.

Fate is the key to your destiny. You cannot know what your destiny is until you open the door to the adventures of life. Life unfolds as you take risk, explore the unknown and dare to jump into the waters of your soul.


Go to places that speak to your heart. Ask the hard questions, for the answers, may become nectar. Capture this in your journal today.

Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024: Day Twenty

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The term “compassionate service” is used in our community and refers to love-inspired assistance willingly given to meet physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of another.

It requires a sensitivity that perceives human distress beyond spoken words, an eye that recognizes the good in people, and an understanding heart, attuned to discern what is appropriate to say and do to uplift the human spirit.

Compassionate Service can consist of the following pairings:

Two Ears to listen

Two Hands being of service

Two Feet ready to go the distance

Two Eyes seeing what needs to be done


Your Meditation



Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024: Day Nineteen


blind one

Navigating life, especially through the lens of a child’s eyes, can often feel like an adventure filled with wonder and discovery. However, this journey also requires the guidance and support of those around us. Children, in their innocence and curiosity, rely heavily on the adults in their lives to help them understand the world and to make sense of the complexities they encounter. This reliance is not a sign of weakness but a natural part of growth and learning.

In this context, the importance of trust becomes paramount. Just as a child looks up to their parents, teachers, and mentors for direction and reassurance, we, too, must learn to lean on and trust others in our lives. This trust enables us to face the unknown, to take risks, and to step out of our comfort zones with the confidence that we are not alone. It is through this collaborative spirit and mutual support that we can overcome obstacles and navigate the challenges that life presents.

Moreover, the concept of seeing life through a child’s eyes reminds us of the purity of trust before it is tainted by disappointment or betrayal. It encourages us to approach our relationships with openness and optimism, to rebuild our faith in others, and to remember that, at the core, most people are inherently good and willing to help. By embracing this perspective, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to a more compassionate and understanding world.

Your Daily Endeavor

 Explore the emotions and thoughts you experienced when placing your trust in others. Were there any hesitations or fears? How did you overcome them? Capture this in your journal.

Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024: Day Eighteen

“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching”

Memories have a very important place in our lives. They last a lifetime and often help us get through difficult periods in our lives. Such recollections create strong ties between friends, and family, and reinforce our shared values.

Life can change in an instant, and that instant can last forever in our memories. Take some time today and capture a picture, a thought, or a story. It may not seem important at the time, yet as time goes by and you come back to this time, you may find something special that may have made an impact on your life.

Today is a Full Moon. With emotions higher than normal, this is the perfect day to stay in the present moment, do so self care, and light some candles and relax

Today’s Action

During your mindfulness meditation or journal, create a memory that will flash before your eyes………

Daily Meditation Recommendation

Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024 : Day Seventeen

Gossip is a destructive habit that can ruin a friendship and turn someone’s life upside down. You can’t make someone else stop gossiping, but you can refuse to listen to it. Those who don’t respect the privacy of others will find that their privacy will not be respected either. Everything does come full circle.

We have been socialized to believe that when we discuss people we are giving our opinion about them. That opinion is slated based on our personal filters. Because it is prevalent in our circle of influence we become unaware that we are even been gossiping until it is too late, to take back what has been said.

To stay out of this cycle keep your conversation limited to ideas and events. Doing this keeps you in the arena of your ideas and beliefs. It will take some practice, but it is well worth it.

Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024 : Day Sixteen


There is nothing more gratifying them seeing a project come to fruition. The hours of hard work dreams coming into existence, and really taking on a physical form brings joy to the receiver of the proposed outcome.

Fruition is all about seeing the “ fruits” of your labor. The feeling of accomplishment feels like no other. Know that a small idea or thought was nurtured into physical form for the world to enjoy is like giving birth. It may be a bit painful at times, however, once it is completed we forget all the heartaches, and obstacles we overcame to get our desired outcome.


Think of an example in your life where you had the opportunity to live this way of being your best and include it in your journal.