What Happens After Mercury Retrograde Ends

Mercury Retrograde is ending and the instability that came with it as well. This combination of Mercury Retrograde and the other planets that were in retrograde energy was emotional for many of your friends and family. This best part was clearing out old energy , getting things completed and setting some new intentions which wereContinue reading “What Happens After Mercury Retrograde Ends”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021 : Day Twenty Two

When you live life fully expressed, sharing is part of your emotional makeup. You seek events and opportunities to share your possessions, your thoughts, and your heart. The things that allow us to feel joy, doubles our capacity to give. Wide smiles, delightful laughter, and sighs of passionate verbal delivery can become contagious, and spreadContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021 : Day Twenty Two”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021 : Day Twenty Three

 When we change our focus to include the “Big Picture”, we open ourselves up to a much bigger vision, and larger possibilities.  Not only do you get to see the entire forest, you also get to appreciate the beauty of a single tree. Focusing on a singular item can blur our vision of what isContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021 : Day Twenty Three”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde During Juneteenth

This weekend we celebrate Juneteenth, also known as Emancipation Day, Black Independence Day and Jubilee Day. It  is the 11th federal holiday and the first new federal holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was created in 1983. Juneteenth celebrates the end of slavery and commemorates June 19, 1865 when Union Gen. Gordon Granger arrivedContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde During Juneteenth”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021: Day Twenty

The term “compassionate service” is used in our community and refers to love-inspired assistance willingly given to meet physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of another. It requires a sensitivity that perceives human distress beyond spoken words, an eye that recognizes the good in people, and an understanding heart, attuned to discern what is appropriate toContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021: Day Twenty”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021 Day Nineteen

There is a concept called “Creative Destructionism”,  which is a way to describe the radical transformation that accompanies human progress. To borrow an example from nature, fire is needed to generate new growth Creative destruction occurs when something new, kills something older. A great example of this is personal computers. The industry, led by MicrosoftContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021 Day Nineteen”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021: Day Eighteen

  Have you ever noticed that a huge obstacle stops one person, while another person climbs, goes around, or pushes through it and comes out the other side victoriously? One of the reasons a person can’t go further is because they are looking at all the barriers that seem to stretch before them. Eventually, theyContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021: Day Eighteen”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021 : Day Seventeen

Gossip is a destructive habit that can ruin a friendship and turn someone’s life upside down. You can’t make someone else stop gossiping, but you can refuse to listen to it. Those who don’t respect the privacy of others will find that their privacy will not be respected either. Everything does come full circle. WeContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021 : Day Seventeen”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021: Day Fifteen

Knowing when to stay silent can help you a great deal in many circumstances. Being an excellent communicator counts in your favor, when you give another person an opportunity to pour their heart out and self-discover the answers to their own dilemma. Have you ever met with a friend who just needed a kind earContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde 2021: Day Fifteen”