Thrive During Mercury Retrograde: Day Twenty Two

When you live life fully expressed, sharing is part of your emotional makeup. You seek events and opportunities to share your possessions, your thoughts, and your heart. The things that allows us to feel joy, doubles our capacity to give. Wide smiles, delightful laughter, and sighs of passionate verbal delivery, can become contagious, and spreadContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde: Day Twenty Two”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde: Day Twenty One

Life is about exploration. The more you do, the larger your life! The courage to move into uncharted territory is exhilarating on many levels. To take a path without knowing where it goes is how adventures begin. Fate is the key to your destiny. You cannot know what your destiny is until you open theContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde: Day Twenty One”

Thriving During Mercury Retrograde: Day Twenty

The term “compassionate service” is used in our community and refers to love-inspired assistance willingly given to meet physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of another. It requires a sensitivity that perceives human distress beyond spoken words, an eye that recognizes the good in people, and an understanding heart, attuned to discern what is appropriate toContinue reading “Thriving During Mercury Retrograde: Day Twenty”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde: Day Nineteen

Sometimes we tend to look at the dark side of life, better known as the negative.  Looking at the negative can work to our advantage only when our goal is to improve our lives. Taking a “snapshot” of where we are today and viewing the positive and the negative gives us contrast.  The opposition orContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde: Day Nineteen”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde : Day Eighteen

 When we change our focus to include the “Big Picture”, we open ourselves up to a much bigger vision, and larger possibilities.  Not only do you get to see the entire forest, you also get to appreciate the beauty of a single tree. Focusing on a singular item can blur our vision of what isContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde : Day Eighteen”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde: Day Seventeen

Life by example is the highest form of living fully. When we put into practice the actions we believe in our hearts, our lives become a testament of what is valued and real. Some people say we should practice what we preach. I believe it is deeper then that. I believe when you have anContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde: Day Seventeen”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde : Day Sixteen

Take away the struggle involved in starting over, and you have one of my favorite sayings.  “Bloom where you are planted.“  When you do the best with what you already have, you honor the ingenuity of the spirit, and transform what was old into the new. Performing at your best, values the human spirit andContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde : Day Sixteen”

Thrive During Mercury Retrograde: Day Fifteen

The Asian symbol for balance demonstrates nature’s blueprint for harmony. The same is true when we have a setback. Setbacks are the beginning of a comeback plan. One-step forward two-steps back can be called a Cha Cha.  When put to music and rhythm, it is a joy to watch.  The same is true with aContinue reading “Thrive During Mercury Retrograde: Day Fifteen”

Hack My Retrograde: Day Fourteen

There will be times in our lives where things will come up that are out of our control. That is not a time to give up, or give in. It is a time to use our creative juices to give birth to something that would have never existed if the circumstances had not come intoContinue reading “Hack My Retrograde: Day Fourteen”

Lyrid Meteor Showers of Falling Stars This Weekend

This weekend the Lyrid Meteor showers will radiate the sky.. Observers will be rewarded with the sight of 18 or more meteors per hour before dawn from a dark sky location. Since the moon will be nearly to its new moon phase, with darker skies, viewing conditions will be amazing.  This is definitely the timeContinue reading “Lyrid Meteor Showers of Falling Stars This Weekend”