What Happens After Mercury Retrograde Ends 2022

Mercury Retrograde is has ended and the instability that came with it as well. This combination of Mercury Retrograde and the other planets that were in retrograde energy was emotional for many of your friends and family. This best part was clearing out old energy, getting things completed and setting some new intentions which wereContinue reading “What Happens After Mercury Retrograde Ends 2022”

Enjoy the Planets On the Final Day of Mercury Retrograde

Today is the last day of Mercury Retrograde. Many of you have used this time to reflect, re-arrange and redo certain things in your life. It is also the Lunar New Year, and setting intentions for the coming months will be the theme for the next 13 days of the Year of the Tiger. InContinue reading “Enjoy the Planets On the Final Day of Mercury Retrograde”

Last Two Days of Mercury Retrograde

 When we change our focus to include the “Big Picture”, we open ourselves up to a much bigger vision, and larger possibilities.  Not only do you get to see the entire forest, you also get to appreciate the beauty of a single tree. Focusing on a singular item can blur our vision of what isContinue reading “Last Two Days of Mercury Retrograde”

Last Three Days of Mercury Retrograde

Life is about exploration. The more you do, the larger your life! The courage to move into uncharted territory is exhilarating on many levels. To take a path without knowing where it goes is how adventures begin. Fate is the key to your destiny. You cannot know what your destiny is until you open theContinue reading “Last Three Days of Mercury Retrograde”