Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024 : Day Seventeen

Gossip is a destructive habit that can ruin a friendship and turn someone’s life upside down. You can’t make someone else stop gossiping, but you can refuse to listen to it. Those who don’t respect the privacy of others will find that their privacy will not be respected either. Everything does come full circle. WeContinue reading “Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024 : Day Seventeen”

Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024: Day Thirteen

 “Embracing Challenges: The Path to True Strength” Life’s journey is a rollercoaster ride, filled with both highs and lows. In this blog, we’ll explore why facing challenges head-on, rather than avoiding them, can lead to personal growth, resilience, and inner strength. The Consequences of Evasion Avoidance of life’s challenges can have profound consequences: Stagnation: AvoidingContinue reading “Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024: Day Thirteen”

Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024 : Day Eleven

In the grand theater of life, drama is an ever-present character. It sneaks onto the stage, often uninvited, creating tension, turmoil, and conflict. Sometimes, it’s external factors and circumstances beyond our control that give rise to this drama. Other times, we are the playwrights, actors, and directors of our own dramatic productions. In either case,Continue reading “Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024 : Day Eleven”

Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024: Day Ten

 The Freedom of Releasing the Past In the quiet moments of self-reflection, we often encounter the echoes of our past. It can feel as though we are bound by an invisible ball and chain, each memory a weight that may prevent us from reaching our fullest potential. It’s not uncommon to feel hesitant to letContinue reading “Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024: Day Ten”

Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024: Day Eight

Welcome to day Eight of mercury retrograde solar eclipse As an expert in Chinese astrology, I can share insights into the significance of the lunar eclipse on April 8, 2024, for each animal sign. In Chinese astrology, eclipses are considered powerful events that can bring about change and transformation. Here’s a brief overview of whatContinue reading “Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024: Day Eight”

Empowered Success RX 2023 : Day Six

In the tapestry of our ambitions, dreams serve as the vibrant threads that weave a vision of what could be. Yet, the journey from aspiration to realization requires more than mere desire; it demands the courage to take decisive actions. In this blog post, we explore the transformative power of courage in bringing your dreamsContinue reading “Empowered Success RX 2023 : Day Six”

Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024 : Day Five

WELCOME TO DAY FIVE OF MERCURY RETROGRADE Without the right tools, you cannot get certain jobs done. The same is true of your life skills. Life skills are the tools needed to change your life so that you are able to determine, incubate, create and direct your own meaning from life. This is free fromContinue reading “Empowered Success Mercury Retrograde 2024 : Day Five”

Empowered Success 2024: Day Four RX

    . The concept of patience is shrouded in enigma, a journey from the unknown to the known. It involves an unspoken duration, presenting itself as a message tinged with apprehension. The unpredictable seeps into the core of our existence, mingling with the desire for what is yet to materialize. In the midst of thisContinue reading “Empowered Success 2024: Day Four RX”

Empowered Success During Mercury Retrograde 2024: Day Two

“Breakdowns can create breakthroughs” Setbacks can pave the way for significant advancements. When life takes an unexpected turn, it’s easy to view it as an unfair twist of fate. We often find ourselves lamenting the challenges, questioning why it’s happening to us, and expressing our grievances to friends and family. These moments of adversity, theContinue reading “Empowered Success During Mercury Retrograde 2024: Day Two”

Empowered Success RX 2023: Day Thirteen

 “Embracing Challenges: The Path to True Strength” Life’s journey is a rollercoaster ride, filled with both highs and lows. In this blog, we’ll explore why facing challenges head-on, rather than avoiding them, can lead to personal growth, resilience, and inner strength. The Consequences of Evasion Avoidance of life’s challenges can have profound consequences: Stagnation: AvoidingContinue reading “Empowered Success RX 2023: Day Thirteen”